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Emmanuel has chaplains serving various sectors in local communities

Group Students Smilling

Students & Young Adults

Lisa is an accredited chaplain and the Be Me Project leader in Cumbria. She can be available to offer counselling and support, or to signpost, and she loves to help students with their mental, spiritual and social wellbeing.

Picture of Darren Roy

Emergency Services

Darren is a chaplain to both Cumbria Constabulary and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service in the Furness area. He promotes chaplaincy to members of the emergency services and their families to assist, maintain and promote wellbeing. 

Family Visit

Anna Chaplaincy

Liz is ordained as an Anna Chaplain for the Ulverston area. For people post retirement, Anna Chaplaincy has been promoted as an effective way of supporting older people and benefitting from the gifts and skills they have gained. 

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