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Emmanuel Toddlers is back up and running on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 a.m.

Toddler Art Class

Parents & Toddlers

Emmanuel Christian Centre's toddler group serves young families in Ulverston by providing a welcoming and stimulating environment for parents, toddlers and babies to interact and build supportive relationships. 

Mother and Toddler


Tuesday Mornings 10:00 to 11:30pm in the downstairs hall. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available all afternoon for parents and carers, and there's a snack time for the little ones. A £1 voluntary contribution is appreciated.

Kid Piling Blocks


The hall is organised into themed zones with toys, crafts, activities and games. The afternoon works around the following timetable: 10:00-11:00 Free play & crafts,11:00-11:15 Snack & story,11:15-11:30 Song and dance.

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