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There's a range of groups and ministries available to young people at Emmanuel. As a family, there's also something authentic, natural and spiritual about their love for one-another and their impromptu meet-ups.

Youth Chaplain Ulverston


Mental, Spiritual and social wellbeing

We have a dedicated chaplain for students and young adults, available to offer counselling, support and a listening ear to young people. The chaplain's role is primarily to support mental, spiritual and social wellbeing. 

Be Me Project

Be Me Project

To break free and to thrive

Through their courses, the Be Me Project equips young people to celebrate their true identity and to cope with the world’s pressures. The aim is for course participants to break free, find purpose and to thrive in life.

Youth Church Ulverston

Chosen Group

Young people's discipleship

This is our young people's discipleship and pastoral system for children in year 7 or above. There is no set curriculum but Chosen meet to offer friendly support and to help those of school age to grow in the Faith.


Lisa Smith

Chaplain & Be Me Coordinator

Lisa is an accredited Chaplain and the Be Me Project leader in Cumbria. She can be available to offer counselling and support, as well as to help students with their mental, spiritual and social wellbeing.


Nahum & Abbey

Chosen Group Leaders

As well as being part of Royal Rangers Nahum and Abbey lead our Chosen Group which supports youth with faith issues. They are role models and great friends to the young people of Emmanuel Christian Centre.

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