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Ministry Team
Servant leadership at ECC is through the ministers of the Church Council.
Others are responsible for the day-to-day management or ministry in specific areas. Of course, we are blessed with a wider team who faithfully lead or serve in our various departments - 'community' being one of our core values.

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Darren Roy Church Leader Profile
Darren Roy


Darren is an ordained minister and pastor who leads our team, training and ministry. He is passionate about the privilege 'to know God and make Him known'.

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Elder David Smith
David Smith


David is an elder at Emmanuel. He's known as an encourager and coach, and his disciplined life is an example to the church here. He has a gift for teaching with analogies. 

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Carol Roy
Carol Roy


Carol leads the women's pastoral ministry as a sympathetic and caring deaconess. She also coordinates the Centre's operations and helps the church run smoothly.

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Lisa Smith


Lisa is a chaplain serving students and young adults. She loves to see people thrive and is an advocate for mental wellbeing. She's also our numbers-loving Treasurer. 

Group Team

Deacons and house-group leaders are at the heart of life at Emmanuel in Ulverston. They aim to foster a sense of community by providing opportunities for members to build relationships, grow spiritually, receive support, pray and learn.

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Colin & Sue Thornhill

Colin & Sue

Deacons & Connections

The Thornhill's aim to make everyone feel special and loved. They serve as group leaders and Matthew 5:7 is their life message; showing mercy (acts of kindness).

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Stuart & Elizabeth

Group Leaders

The Matthews' aim to see people grow in God's love and they stand with them at crucial times; Stuart as an officiant and funeral minister, and Elizabeth as a group leader.

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David and Lisa Smith

David & Lisa

Group Leaders

The Smith's encourage, coach and support. They care for people's wellbeing and they want everyone to thrive. David is an elder and Lisa is a chaplain for young adults. 

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Paul & Karen

Deacons & Royal Rangers

The Sedgwick's lead by making people feel loved, welcomed and connected. Hospitality and servanthood are gifts they display for the good of all concerned. 

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Nahum & Abbey

Group Leaders

Nahum and Abbey serve with their humble, joyful, and Jesus-loving personalities. They have a heart for the whole church and are role models for many.

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Go Team

Church Council

The board of trustees

The board is a team of ministers or trustees who administrate the church affairs: Darren Roy, David Smith, Colin Thornhill, Paul Sedgwick and Andrew Wright. 

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